Corbett O'Toole: Queer Disabled Elder

Corbett Joan O’Toole is an elder in disability communities, writer, publisher at Reclamation Press, public speaker and artist. For over 40 years, she has focused on issues of importance to disabled women and queers. A sought after speaker, she is available for virtual presentations.

Fading Scars book

FADING SCARS: My Queer Disability History captures 40+ years of first-hand disability histories.

Headshot: Corbett O’Toole – a smiling Caucasian woman in her 60’s with short hair wearing a black v-neck shirt.

ABOUT Corbett OToole (© Erin Anthony)

Fabric piece: blue fabric on bottom representing water; buildings above.

ART: quilts, fibers, sculpture, and photography.

Big poster with colorful drawings of roads - Oh the Places You'll Go

ROLLING JOY – disabled elder travel blog

Protesters carry a banner saying, "the American Dream must be Accessible."

TURNING POINTS: Disability histories through writings, events, & presentations.

Banner photo: Corbett O’Toole in her Rolling Joy van. © Erin Anthony