Art - Documenting Disability Histories


The America’s Class of 2015 quilt and sculpture explore how easily disabled children’s lives are erased when they are murdered by their families. The quilt echoes the classroom photo albums from the annual U.S. practice of “School Photo Day.” 


The Agnews Insane Asylum art pieces, Lost Lives and Hidden Graves,  bring forward two stories: the 107 inmates who died in the 1907 earthquake – and – the decades-long practice of burying inmates in unmarked graves. 


(Click on the quilts to explore further)

A quilt made by Corbett for lawyer and disability activist Robin Stephens. The quilt is made from t-shirts depicting disability events and quotes, including Free Our People (ADAPT), Don’t Target People with Disabilities, Support Disability Rights, ADAPT – American Disabled for Accessible Public Transportation, Build Ramps not Missiles for an Accessible Future, Proud and Disabled, Can’t Even March Straight, Disabled Queers, Adapt or Perish, Not Dead Yet, DAM – Proud Angry and Strong, He Saw Power, Support the Needs of People with Disabilities, and Disabled Women Change the World.

A quilt made by Corbett for  Robin Stephens. This quilt is made from t-shirts depicting LGBTI+ and women’s issues, including: Dyke March, Women Come West, Good Bush / Bad Bush, World March of Women 2000, PrideFest ’92 Celebration & Parade – Pride Power, North East Women’s Musical Retreat 1988, March on Washington – Colorado will be There 1993, and Together in Pride.